Unofficially Retired, Hurricane Season, Flowers, More Heat

Friday was my last day of school ever with the kids. I will miss them. Colleen still has a week of school before her break. We’re changing gears up here on our little hill. If you want to check in on our adventures from last week, just follow the link below….

2024 – Another Year, More Stories, And Retirement Looming

If you want to find out how our homesteading adventure started, you can get a copy of our book by following the link below to Amazon. It’s an easy read and will help take your mind of the troubles in the world today.

The Half Acre Chronicles: Volume 1

2 Replies to “Unofficially Retired, Hurricane Season, Flowers, More Heat

  1. Don’t be surprised, in the near future, to suddenly awaken and feel as if you’re late for school! It’ll take you and Colleen a while to get out of your routines of long-standing and relax. We’ve been there. It’s a new reality. May your retirements be long and satisfying.

    1. Thanks,

      My brain is already strarting to leave the work world far behind. I guess it was time for me to retire. I certainly feel ready. Colleen is only on her summer break. She has to go back to school in the fall.

      Have a great day!

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