Sweltering Heat, Violent Thunderstorms, More Firewood To Split For Winter

I moved all the firewood in the seasoning racks up to the log splitter, but there is still more wood on the ground. Colleen cleaned most of the week. The weather ran the gambit last week, but we just worked with it, If you want to check in on laast week’s doings up here on our llittle hill, Just follow the link below…

2024 – Another Year, More Stories, And Retirement Looming

If you want to find out how our homesteading adventure started, you can get a copy of our book by following the link below to Amazon. It’s an easy read and will help take your mind of the troubles in the world today.

The Half Acre Chronicles: Volume 1

2 Replies to “Sweltering Heat, Violent Thunderstorms, More Firewood To Split For Winter

  1. I agree with you regarding the swiftness of June and July passing. On the news a few days back, we heard that we can expect our first frost August 23rd. Why? Because the katydids could be heard loud and clear. A doe keeps returning for samples of our garden. Hubby hung softener sheets around the garden to prevent (hopefully) her from devouring any more of the tomato plants. She ate all my beautiful Oriental and daylilies, and some of the green beans. He replanted and today, they’re blooming. I’ll be canning them, hopefully, before the frost kills them. My 2 surgeries are 9 days apart, so I have to be up and able. Please don’t rush getting your wood ready for winter. You need to build up your body’s tolerance, not stress it. So, slow down a bit and enjoy your transition.

    1. Hope your surgeries go well… totally understand about the dear… I am only doing what I can with the firewood and not pushing it, but every little bit I do is a litte bit less that I have to do…

      Hope you are having a great day…

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