September Is Here, Fall Starts In Three Weeks, I Like Being Retired!

The poplar trees are the first to get their leaves in the spring and the first to show their color as fall approaches. Colleen and I are getting our routine for me staying home and Colleen going to school. It’s not exactly a life of leisure for me, but I like it. If you want to check in on our doings last week, just follow the link below…

2024 – Another Year, More Stories, And Retirement Looming

If you want to find out how our homesteading adventure started, you can get a copy of our book by following the link below to Amazon. It’s an easy read and will help take your mind of the troubles in the world today.

The Half Acre Chronicles: Volume 1

2 Replies to “September Is Here, Fall Starts In Three Weeks, I Like Being Retired!

  1. Hopefully, your dr appt went well. We were blessed with some rain last week. We need more, of course, but we’re happy with what we did get. Yesterday morning, we saw 2 large flocks of geese winging their way south. Makes me wonder what they they’re sensing. Trees are changing at a faster rate now, it seems. My Russian sage is in full bloom and it’s full of honey bees. I like to see bees any time, though. We’re seeing more spiders and we’re constantly knocking them down. Going to the car to go to church this a.m I walked into one, and everyone knows I’m not a fan of those. The remark you made about your bush beans being de-leafed makes me wonder if deer can reach them. Since hubby tied dryer sheets around our garden, we’ve had no more damage.

    1. Good morning,

      Definitely not the deer. We seem to have aquired some rabbits in residence of late. Oh well, they have to eat as well. Watch oput for those spiders and have a great day…

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