A Gathering Of The Clan For A St. Patrick’s Day Feast
Colleen getting chocolate cupcakes ready for the feast.
Cooking on the day of the feast.
The beer bread came out looking good!
And the table was festively adorned.
The dessert table had ample chocolate cupcakes and green coconut macaroons.
It just happened to be a celebration for Lily’s 1st birthday too.
And it was Steven’s birthday too.
And Al and Alysia’s birthdays as well.
Al and Alysia are just starting to learn how to garden so they got plants..
Everyone was just hanging around waiting for the food.
Let the feasting begin!
Now that’s a fine plateful of food!
Of course, we can’t forget the chocolate cupcakes for dessert!
I Guess We’re A Chicken Outfit Now!
The coop and pen took two years to build and get ready, but the chickens are in it now and all is well.
We got four Buff Orpingtons in the middle of July 2019 and they settled in pretty quickly.
Poor Buttercup just didn’t know what to make of all the goings on in the pen.
Over time the girls really did make their new digs their home.
You’ll usually find Colleen and me sitting out watching the chickens around sunset so were can lock them in the coop for the night, and we got our first egg on October 1st.
The Colors Of Spring 2019
The Early Season Stuff
The Daffodils are always the first We actually had Tulips this year. Once the mulch covering is gone the Solomon Seal are far behind.
Then There Are The Trees
Pear Tree Blossoms bode well for some fresh fruit this summer. Redbud trees always put out a beautiful display. Dogwood flowers means the white bass are running in the river.
Azaleas Are Never Far Behind!
The white ones… THe coral ones…. The pink and multi colored ones… A bush full of lavender… A bush full of white…
Flowers On The Vegetables Are Good For The Soul
Bees love the bright yellow of bolting kale Just got to LOVE the simplicity of a pea flower Chives look like puffballs at the end of a stick The delicate flowers of a Blackberry Bush
Colleen’s Gardens
The Azaleas are in bloom up on the fence Up at the end of the driveway by the fence Colleen’s latest creation to give the yard character You sure can’t forget about the mailbox Trying to train some roses And of course, the herd garden on the back porch
The Colors Of Late April
Wild Corn Flowers are all through the yard Wild Strawberries make the yard even more colorful A vbrant blue flower whose name eludes me The always elegant Iris The Begonias are exploding with color Bright yellow Marigolds just because A beatiful blend of color on a Primrose Burgundy Glow Ajuga is a gorgeous ground cover Ice Plants are cool or at least I think so Phlox of the periwinkle color variety The delicate flowers of Oxalis I sure forgot what these spicky things are A Colea variant of one type or another Never saw one of these before – a Rex Begonia
Christmas With Family
Christmas morning before all of the commotion. Alysia and Al were the first kids up on Christmas morning. Colleen was busy in the kitchen getting brunch ready while we waited for everyone. Christmas or not, you gotta check your phone. Alex had the warm seat while we were waiting. Are we ready to start yet? Let the paper tearing commence! Whose present is this? Steven modeling his new suspenders and phone video game gun. The piles of stuff grew quickly. Colleen wants some pictures too. Steven, Louis, and James trying to decide who got the coolest stuff. What? Loterry tickets in the stockings!!! Colleen’s Christmas Brunch buffet. Alex just starting to fill his plate. Step right up and help yourself! Eat up little brother. Colleen wasn’t going to miss out on the good stuff either. Nothing better than a platter full of Mom’s homecoooking. Ah, come on! Isn’t anyone going to share their brunch with a starving dog? The aftermath! No holiday would be complete without a little fire pit action. Micayla was a bit late to the party but Santa left her stuff too.
Just A Little Snow In The Heart of the Carolinas.
We woke up Sunday morning to a few inches of snow. It just kept coming and looked like this at sunrise. A pretty specatacular view from the bedroom window. Buttercup had the right idea for the day. The view from the guest room window was just as awesome. Colleen wanted to make sure the little birdies got feed.
Buttercup decided to relocate once the fire was going. And the snow just kept coming. And coming! I had to retreat to the second floor porch the way the wind was whipping around.
Colleen’s bean, beef, and barley soup. Give it a stir! Buttercup made sure she made her rounds to all of the couches.
Time for the second risinig of Colleen’s bread. See… It works like a charm!
Alex had are play on his video games all day. Didn’t the snow decide to come back on Monday morning.
Still snowing at midday, but a lot had melted off of the trees overnight. Nothing like a little back porch sitting in the cold with a bucket fire on a day off to keep you warm.
Daisy: Forever In Our Hearts!
When the girls used to get along…
Daisy did always like being outside….
Before we said “Goodbye”….
Some Seriously Heavy Summer Rains
At least we don’t worry about flooding…
And the rain started falling, but wait a minute it gets more interesting. When you live on a hill the water just runs down the hill and taking the soil with it. It sure didn’t take too long for Colleen’s garden to get filled up. No, this is not hyrdoponics. And the terracing is starting to puddle up and run off down the hill. Over time these big roots got exposed. They used to be covered in dirt. The fire pit is 3 feet deep doesn’t take long to fill up and the creek in the background is runoff! If you need an idea of how heavy the runoff is, this impromptu creek will wash out a good section of the leaves down in the woods. The back yard isn’t much better. The downspout is just feeding more runoff and creating a bigger ravine. Down by my splitting block everything turns into a mud puddle and then follows the leaf line down the hill. There really is that much water running down our little hill. All the clay it’s taking with it gives it that lovely color. Just past the wood line, we had a field of bright yellow mushrooms in a small opening. There were probably 50 or 60 of these things clustered together.
And Now July Is In The Books
Operation “Haul The Wood” is Moving along Well
Finally all of the oak is split! It’s one wheelbarrow and wagon load at a time. Colleen making her way up the hill. Progress is slow, but the piles are dwindling. With the wood piles shrinking, Colleen got after the area with the rake. The first couple of cords are stacked and tarpped.
Well, That’s a fine pickle you’ve gotten us into now…
Have to start somewhere, in this case a bushel of cucumbers. Don’t forget to get the jars hot first. Please be careful Colleen! Loading the jars with garlic and half cucumbers. That’s a sharp knife too! Colleen carefully filling the loaded jars with brine. The loaded jars filled with brine go into the rack for the hot bath. Into the hot bath the jars go for 10 minutes. The bungee cords really help with the rack. And now we start the timer for the hot bath. This how things look halfway through the whole operation. The finished product, 29 quarts of dill pickles from the bushel of cucumbers
A Typical Day For Canning 60 Lbs Of Tomatoes
It’s A Team Effort
We started with 60 lbs of Roma tomatoes. This is the setup in the kitchen. This is the setup outside on the back porch. Each tomato gets cut at the end to help the skin peel off. After blanching, the skins get peeled off of the tomatoes. Colleen cuts the hard white core out of the peeled tomatoes. The tomatoes go into the jar and the air gets worked out. The hot water bath holds 5 quarts at a time. The first batch is out of the canner. Colleen sure knows how to pack a jar. The final product after a long afternoon. Everything gets added to the larder.
We’re Halfway Through Our Summer Break
Colleen And The Fine Art Of Raking And Lot Clearing
Things are looking good in the southeast corner of the lot! These dang weeds are knee to thigh high. A little weed whacker therapy took care of the weeds. Colleen working her way up the hill along the property line. A broad view of the work that still needed doing. Colleen is making headway and it’s looking good. Oh NO! You will come down out of that tree! The final challenge, cleaning up the mess in the work area.
Some Random Back Porch Pictures
The morning sun starting to filter through the trees. Even in the mid afternoon the view never gets old. Sometimes you can catch the setting sun just right. Colleen’s pool antics are amusing at times. Buttercup just chilling. Me just grilling. Colleen and her after dinner garden watering.
Summer Keeps on Rolling Along
Some Grillin’ And Chillin’ And I Did The Cooking
I started with a pan full of this. It cooked up on the grill to this. It was great on the plate with some tuna. There’s always room for dessert when it’s ice cream.
Up here on the hill
Colleens new garden with her pretty flowers. Some dried sage and dried oregano from the garden. A little vodka and some black raspberries And you have Black Raspberry extract in the making. Friday evening’s rain came hard and fast. Just an interesting bug. There’s always something to look at around here. The Lima beans are looking good. I am excited!
Saturday’s Gathering Of The Clan
Getting ready on Thursday Smoking on Friday Al catching a break before everyone got there Let the gathering begin! Colleen and Alysia relaxing and talking! The only picture I have where neither is talking! A friend we have not seen in too many years. Steven approves of the ribs… Did someone say moonshine??? The gathering was fantastic for everyone!
Another Week Has Passed And June Is Gone
June 26, 2018: It was a gray morning. June 26, 2018: A rainy Tuesday, no swimming for us. June 26: 2018: Not much to day except watch the rain run down the hill. June 26, 2018: Colleen dug in the freezer and came up with “Sweep The Kitchen” paella June 26, 2018: I can even begin to tell you how good this paella was. June 27, 2018: Wednesday morning started off perfectly. June 27, 2018: The sun came back on Wednesday, but everything was still wet..
June 28, 2018: Colleen wants a new garden so we started. June 28: 2018: By midday triple digit heat index shut us down.. June 28, 2018: Only one thing to do on a hot afternoon, find some shade and relax.
June 29, 2018: First the bushes needed to be planted. June 29, 2018: Colleen started collecting rocks for a border. June 29, 2018: After a little work and some placement adjustments the rock wall is done.
June 29, 2018: No garden would be complete without gnomes. June 29, 2018: This little juvenile five-lined skink want to help too. June 29, 2018: After a morning in the sun, an afternoon in the pool, Colleen’s quiche was just what the doctor ordered for dinner. June 30, 2018: It was time to finish splitting the oak firewood. June 30, 2018: Colleen gave the back porch needed a good cleaning. June 30, 2018: The front porch got cleaned too!
July 01, 2018: Wood’s split, time to move on to digging post holes for chicken run. July 01, 2018: AN experiment for dinner, Ropa Vieja on a bed of rice and brazed veggies. July 02, 2018: Time to harvest some flourishing oregano. July 02, 2018: The sage was doing very well too so let’s get some of it too. July 02, 2018: A very rare and special treat, a visit from an old friend from my days in college, last century!
Summer Break Just Keeps Getting Better
June 20, 2018: Cleaning up the topsoil by sifting out the rocks and hickory nits. June 20, 2018: Just a pile of topsoil but it’s rock free and garden ready. June 20, 2018: Old apples become fresh apple cobbler with Colleen’s kitchen magic. June 20, 2018: Yep, apple cobbler for dessert, Um-Um-Good! June 20, 2018: Just another quiet evening on the back porch with a cigar. June 21, 2018: Colleen’s Easy Peasy Doggy Ice Cream treats all frozen up. June 21, 2018: It’s hot so the girls get to enjoy some frozen doggy treats. June 21, 2018: This guy is always buzzing around. Never a problem, but fun to watch. June 21, 2018: Colleen’s garden is starting to bloom.
June 22, 2018: Colleen raking her way down the hill. It’s easier than raking uphill. June 22, 2018: I’m still splitting firewood and the pile is still growing. June 22, 2018: Momma skink was none too pleased with me when I uncovered her nest in the garden. June 23, 2018: This little lovely decided to land next to me and pause for a picture. June 23, 2018: You can always count on the weather frog to tell you what the weather WAS… June 24, 2018: I do believe it’s time to start picking the black raspberries. June 24, 2018: For the life of me, I have no idea why Daisy likes laying in the hot sun! June 25, 2018: This sage plant overwintered and came back with a vengeance. June 25, 2018: The oregano is doing quite well too.
The First Week Of Our Summer Break
June 13, 2018 A panoramic view from my back porch. June 13, 2018: Time to start cleaning up the yard. June 13, 2018: Not a bad little pile of hickory. June 13, 2018: Looks like I’ve got a little cutting and splitting to do. June 14, 2018: Colleen got an early start on her gardens. June 14, 2018: One garden cleaned up and plants successfully transplanted June 14: 2018: It’s just clay so Colleen said and then added another garden. June 15, 2018: Colleen needs new work boots, Colleen gets new work boots. June 15, 2018: Still more gardening to do. June 15, 2018: Daisy doesn’t mind just hanging out on the back porch. June 15; 2018: Buttercup decided she wanted some time in the sun, too. June 16, 2018: Never saw a neon green spider before. June 16, 2018: Colleen’s new toys need assembling. June 16, 2018: Colleen should be careful what she wishes for with a crazy husband around. June 16, 2018: Dang, this thing works good! Thanks! June 17, 2018: Father’s Day and a new pool. June 17, 2018: Really couldn’t have done this without Alex’s help June 17, 2018: Hot and tired, but the pool is up. June 18, 2018: Finally got to enjoy my Father’s Day cigar. June 18, 2018: Colleen is back in her gardens. June 18, 2018: The colors must be balance so it is eye candy. June 18, 2018: Isabelle needed a little extra color. June 18, 2018: It takes a while to fill this baby up. June 18, 2018: A special dinner that we missed on Sunday. June 19, 2018: The black raspberries are turning red. June 19, 2018: A wonderful Father’s Day present. June 19, 2018: Alex came home and made a bee-line for the now full pool. June 19, 2018: He may be 22, but in a pool he’s still a kid.
Getting Fancy With Vanilla Extract
June 09, 2018: You need a few beans to make a little extract. B Grade are the most cost effective. June 09, 2018: A sharp knife and a cutting board to split the whole beans into two parts. June 09, 2018: The best sous chef in the house and I don’t have to worry about Colleen losing a finger. June 09, 2018: Special skills needed to put sticky beans through a small opening. About 7 split beans to an 8.5 oz bottle. June 09, 2018: Nothing like watching an old pro handle her booze! One cup of spirits goes into the bottle. June 09, 2018: The first bottle is done! Traditional grain vodka and vanilla beans to make regular extract. June 09, 2018: Our grand experiment, 3 different vanilla extracts, vodka, brandy, and spiced rum.
What Happens When You Let Us Off Of The Hill
May 11, 2018: Don’t we look all spiffy and we’re just getting started. May 11, 2018: Colleen found the buffet table and boy was the food ever good! May 11, 2018: At toast of moonshine with the host. It was a 1920’s theme party after all. May 11, 2018: Down the hatch in a celebration of living. May 11, 2018: Colleen won a jar of moonshine. She won an agave plant last year. May 11, 2018: A great host and hostess and great friends after the show.
Warm Weather Has Lots of Flowers Blooming
Colleen likes to smell the Bloomerang Lilac flowers. The Chive flowers are just cool to look at… These are some Phlox. Colleen likes to have different varieties. Some more Phlox from Colleen’s terrace garden. The Black Raspberry flowers are very delicate. A rose by any other name… Deep, rich pink Azalea flowers are always pretty The corral Azaleas look just as nice as the pink ones. I’m not real sure what these are but the purple is vivid. I’m very excited that the Peas finally have flowers. The Oxalis flowers are small but plentiful. The Rhododendron is starting to put on its spring show.
Looking Around To See What Is And Isn’t There
The Yards Don’t Look So Good
April 22, 2018: Looking at the front yard from the living room window. April 22, 2018: Looking at the front yard from the end of the driveway April 22: 2018: The yard on the downhill side of the house need some cleanup, a chicken coop to finish, and firewood to stack.. April 22, 2018: Down on the wood line at the bottom of the back yard there is still firewood to be cut up and split
A Little Work In The Gardens Goes A Long Way
April 22, 20189: The Lavender got a prime spot in the front of Colleen’s garden. April 22, 2018: The phlox seem to like their terraced home just fine. April 22, 2018: On the other side of the drive the ferns are starting to unfurl. April 22, 2018: Time to move the Mouse Ears and Hosta. The Solomon Seal is taking over. April 22, 2018: An azalea adds an explosion of color to an old fence line. April 22: 2018: Even the azalea on the downhill side of the house gets into the action.
The Plant Migration To The Back Porch Has Begun
April 22, 2108: What spring would be complete with the plant migration to the back porch. April 22, 2018: “Mamacita” is a happy and healthy yellow agave plant. April 22, 2018: It’s also time for “The Beast” to take it’s spot on the back porch. April 22, 2018: The rose bushes in the corner have staked out their claim. April 22, 2018 My celery experiment certainly seems to be holding it’s own. April 22, 2018: The potted blackberry bush is ready to explode with flowers. April 22, 2018: Colleen’s Bloomerang Lilacs are starting to open up too.
Of Course, The Veggies Are Doing Okay Too
April 22, 2018: The green onions are actually in a pot on the porch. April 22, 2018: The chives are are 3 years old an flowering again. April 22, 2018: This little sage plant survived the winter outside. April 22, 2018: Looks we’ll have radishes for a 2nd year. April 22, 2018, Nothing like volunteer potatoes sticking out a compost bin. April 22, 2018: The real volunteer potato crop is inside the compost bin. April 22, 2018: The peas look great except still no flowers!
A Beautiful Sunday With Signs Of Spring Everywhere
April 8, 2018: The first rose bud of the year and it’s early! April 8, 2018: The blackberry bush has flowers ready to bloom. April 8, 2018: The chives are loaded with flower buds. April 8, 2018: It sure looks like we’ll have radishes again this year. April 8,2018: Lots of flowers budding on the azalea bushes. A nice burgundy on this bush. April 8, 2018: Not to far from the burgundy azalea is a lovely white azalea. April 8, 2018: What would spring be without dogwoods blooming? April 8, 2018: Colleen’s patch of Solomon Seal is starting to show it’s bells. April 8, 2018: The red bud tree is adorned with it’s lovely little flowers. April 8, 2018: Nor far from the red bud is a patch of cow flowers by an old stump. April 8, 2018: The Bloomerang Lilacs are even starting to get their purple buds. April 8, 2018: The ferns are starting to elegantly unfurl too.
Three Days At The Shore
April 02, 2018: Time to get rolling and real excited about the 3-hour drive in front of me. April 02, 2018: Made to the shore all safe and sound, played some baseball, and then relaxed under the watchful eye of the moon. April 03: 2018: Looking down the dunes as I made my way to the beach for the first and only time on this trip. April 03, 2018: The other side of the dunes with the wind fences to keep things from moving around too much. April 03, 2018: The fog was pretty thick Tuesday morning keeping the early birds off of the beach. Better for me. April 03, 2018: Some of the dunes are actually pretty neat to look at… April 03, 2018: This guy hung around for a while . He just seemed rather majestic up on his perch. April 03, 2018: When the people started showing up on the beach I retreated to my temporary back porch. April 03, 2018: The afternoon turned out to be a nice one. We even won our game. April 03, 2018: We sure had on heck of a view while we were waiting to be seated for dinner. April 03, 2018: Got to have a little seafood if your out on the coast. I was more than happy to oblige with this plate of “Low Country Boil!” April 03, 2018: The best picture of the 3-day. This is what greeted us on the way out of the restaurant. April 04, 2018: clouds were moving pretty quickly in the morning after the rain had passed through April 04, 2018: The moon even tried to make a last minute appearance before we left for Wednesday ballgame. April 04, 2108: I was the first one at the field. This is the only place I’d rather see grass instead of a garden.
A Gathering Of The Clan For St. Patrick’s Day 2018
March 17, 2018: Steven and Alex working on Mom’s car while dinner is cooking. March 17, 2018: There’s always little time before dinner so let’s kill it on the back porch. March 17, 2018: Alysia helping Mom in the kitchen or begging for chocolate cake.. March 17, 2018: Colleen making sure the table is ready for dinner and festive too. March 17, 2018: A traditional Irish corned beef and cabbage boiling on the stove. March 17, 2018: Dinner is served. Everything is on the table, warm , and Mom get s to eat too. March 17: 2018: There’s always plenty of food to go around and plenty of leftovers too. March 17, 2018: Hey Mom did your forget about me? I even dressed for dinner. March 17, 2018: Louis and Micayla were late arrivals and always a treat to have them here. March 17, 2018: Holy Cow! That’s some serious chocolate cake. Who wants more? March 17, 2018: What clan gathering would be complete without a little playtime for the big kids. Seriously Dad, the tree needs to come down.
The Deer Came For A Visit And A Meal
March 13, 2018: The first member of the neighborhood herd has found the corn. March 13, 2018: It’s always nice to share with a friend. March 13, 2018: Sure, bring the whole family! There’s always room for one more. March 13: 2018: Hey, did someone say there was green grass too? March 13: 2018: Eat up friends. There is plenty of fresh grass for everyone!
The Boys Playing In The Backyard
February 25, 2018: Steven going up the tree to start the job. February 25, 2018: The climbing gear needs a little adjusting. February 25, 2018: These squirrels have a heck of nerve putting a nest up here. Fortunately, it was vacant. February 25, 2018: Alex handled the ground support and the guide ropes. The boys work well together. February 25: 2018: The tree has been topped so a little clean up is in order. The trunk is next. February 25, 2018: The rain is coming so there is no time to dawdle. Get cutting boys. February 25, 2018: Just leave the pieces big enough for Pops to finish cutting to size and split. February 25, 2018: Okay, let’s drop this big boy. We’re going to need the big chainsaw. February 25, 2018: That notch looks about right. Put an “X” on the ground and I’ll drop it there. February 25, 2018: I think she’s about ready to go! I believe the term is TIMBERI February 25, 2018: She’s on the ground. No, it won’t roll down the hill. February 25, 2018: Just on last thing, I need to cut the stump down to the ground. February 25, 2018: Alex sizing up the aftermath of the work and thinking Pops is going to make me carry all of the split wood up the hill to the racks.
Spring 2018 Is Coming Early
To Central North Carolina
February 24, 2018: Colleen’s garden has come a long way in just one week. February 24, 2018: A couple of nice lavender and one nice white hyacinth. February 24, 2018: Don’t you just love the bold color in this purple hyacinth? February 24, 2018: A lone yellow crocus is holding it’s own amid all of the blooming hyacinths. February 24, 2018: The forsythia bush in the other corner of the yard is putting on quite a show of yellow. February 24, 2018: A couple of rouge daffodils made an appearance in the middle of the forsythias. February 24, 2018: Not exactly sure what this is in the middle of the forsythias but it’s getting ready to bloom! February 24, 2018: I would be woefully neglect if I failed to mention the growing vegetable. This sugar snap pea is doing extremely will too. February 24, 2018: The Celery experiment is coming along nicely! February 24, 2018: This luscious chive plant actually overwintered outside,
The First Signs of Spring 2018
February 17, 2018: Colleen caught a glimpse of some lavender peeking through the leaves. The game was on! February 17, 2018: Nope, no cooking this morning. Cold or not there are flowers that need tending. February 17, 2018: You can eat later. I’m making headway! February 17, 2018: These are flowers! You do realize they are above you in the pecking order, right? February 17: 2018: Play with your flowers then! I have a compost bin to build. February 17, 2018: Don’t rush me. This is art. February 17, 2018: The hyacinth that turned Saturday on its ear. February 17, 2018: This clutter is distracting from my garden. It must go! February 17, 2018: It’s a good thing you just built me a compost bin for all of these leaves. February 17, 2018: And a little fresh dirt for all of my darling babies. February 17, 2018: Of course the garden would not be complete with out the pink flamingos to fend off the hungry deer.
The Snow Storm of January 2018
Jan 17, 2018 7:24 AM: Just after dawn and the snow has started! Jan 17, 2018 8:13 AM: A big bedroom window offers a stunning view of the back woods. Jan 17, 2018 9:10AM: The deer don’t seem to mind the fresh fallen snow. Jan 17, 2018 9:12 AM: A nice buck even found his way off of the ridge. Jan 17, 2018, 10:00 AM: The snow is clinging to everything and starting to weigh down tree branches. Jan 17, 2018 10:04 AM: Colleen’s swan planter is all but buried. Jan 17, 2018 11:57AM: Nothing like bread dough rising on the fireplace hearth! Jan 17, 2018 12:08PM: She doesn’t see snow often but Daisy always makes the most of her opportunities
Jan 17, 2018 12:16PM: It was still snowing well into the afternoon and really piling up.
Jan 17, 2018 1:37 PM: 10 hours of continuous snowfall and still going. Jan 17, 2018 3:34PM: A good wind gave us some whiteout conditions toward afternoon’s end. Jan 17, 2018 3:51PM: Daisy kept wanting to go outside. It didn’t matter if she was stomach deep in snow. Jan 17, 2018 4:32PM: I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it! Fortunately, he got it back into his driveway. Jan 18, 2018 5:33AM: Walked out on the back porch this morning and saw this. Jan 18, 2108 6:56AM: The sun was just starting to come up and the snow was reflecting the glow of my bucket fire. Jan 18, 2018 7:35AM: The bright morning sun sure put a brilliant shade of orange on the tree tops. Jan 18, 2018 7:45AM: I tend to forgot we have a front porch too. The gardens up front sure look strange covered in snow. Jan 18, 2018 7:46AM: As the sun rose higher in the sky the back woods really came alive. Jan 18, 2018 9:29AM: The bright sunlight sure puts a whole different view looking down the hill. Jan 18, 2018 9:29AM: More of our winter wonderland looking up the hill. Jan 18, 2018 11:39AM: Have to give credit where credit is due. Alex got out there and shoveled the snow off of the driveway.