Beautiful Fall Weather, No Hurricanes, More Firewood On The Racks

The deer are starting to come out of the woods more now. Firewood is back at the top of our priority list with cooler temperatures on the way. If you want to see how last week’s adventures went up here on our little hill, just follow the link below…

2024 – Another Year, More Stories, And Retirement Looming

If you want to find out how our homesteading adventure started, you can get a copy of our book by following the link below to Amazon. It’s an easy read and will help take your mind of the troubles in the world today.

The Half Acre Chronicles: Volume 1

One Reply to “Beautiful Fall Weather, No Hurricanes, More Firewood On The Racks”

  1. As I sit here and type, we have 28 degrees! The furnace has kicked on a few times and jackets are coming out of the closet. Long johns, too, I suspect. The garden is cleaned off and debris bagged to break down over the winter and then be tilled in next spring. We’ve become overrun with those tiny gnats we call no-see-ums. They can even get inside thru the window screens, on our clothing and hair. They have one heck of a bite that itches terribly. We could certainly use some of the rain you’ve gotten recently. We’ve not had any appreciable rain since mid-August. Farmers got their crops out, hauled home to store in bins or to the elevators, and many have finished their fall tillage and are looking to buy a brand new pickup or car, or equipment before they take extended vacations down south. Many winter where snow does not usually fall, then in spring, they return to do it all over again.
    I’m sorry that you have only one hen left. I so enjoyed stories about Hug-Me. Do you plan to get more hens?

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