A Wild Week, Vehicle Issues, Colds In The House

We are not exactly a chickem outfit, but it sure was a crazy week. Colleen and I are finally shaking off our colds. Probably the result of the weather changes, but we made through the week. I guess we had a little bit of everything last week. If you want to check in on last week’s doings around here, just follow the link below…

2024 – Another Year, More Stories, And Retirement Looming

If you want to find out how our homesteading adventure started, you can get a copy of our book by following the link below to Amazon. It’s an easy read and will help take your mind of the troubles in the world today.

The Half Acre Chronicles: Volume 1

2 Replies to “A Wild Week, Vehicle Issues, Colds In The House

  1. Sounds as if there’s a faulty sensor lurking in the Trail Blazer. Glad it didn’t leave Colleen stranded at school. Glad, too, that Alex’s dental visits are being kept. My next one is for the implants, in weeks! I dread the pain, but not eating anything but soft foods for the past 7 months has challenged me! By Christmas, I should be able to eat a potato chip. We’ve had some beautiful, cool weather of late and we’re told that we’ll return to very hot, dry days this week. Then, the other shoe will fall. Leaves continue to change, flowers go to seed, gardens give their last gasp, and in general, the end of the growing season is here. Snow shovels need to be moved to the front of the garage and the snowblower checked over. Glad you two are recovering well from your colds. All the best to you

    1. Thanks… We’re doing what we can. We should be back to normal before too long. Hope you can have more than potqto chips by Christmas.

      Have a great day!

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