Well, I’d have to say Colleen and I are now in the swing of our summer. Some things didn’t go quite as planned, but we survived and came out of it all with smiles on our face. We may not have our bearings quite yet, but we are having a great time and taking things one day at a time. All I can say is that the saga of our journey is rolling right along…
Our First Full Week At Home: The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy

In this past week, we’ve received between 8 & 10″ of rainfalll in the sw MN, nw IA area. There is a lot of flooding in IA and many a flooded basement in our area. Thankfully, we live at the highest point in our county so we, ourselves, didn’t have a flooded basement. While Colleen is getting her raking therapy in, and you’re splitting wood, I hope the garden space you will plant Blue Lake green beans in will pay off. I plant either Blue Lake or Tendergreen’s every year. Both are prolific. I hope you have good luck with yours, and I hope our garden can dry out enough that the roots of the beans and tomatoes don’t rot. You need some toys for your pool, but be mindful that snakes are taking a liking to pool noodles for some reason.
Thanks… we got our rain yesterday. Now, we have to let everything dry out…. Oh well, another day inside… 🙂