When the poo hits the fan around here, it flies fast and furiously. That’s the only way I can describe last week. We kind of took it on the chin, but we’re still standing! Somehow, things always do work out for us in the long run though. You can catch up on all the chaos and mayhem up here last week in our latest blog entry.
I Don’t Want To Live Through Last Week Again

I am so sorry about Daisy are pets are family members to us. I so look forward to and enjoy your blogs
Thanks… at least she is still with us and happy, but there will be a hole in this family once she is gone….😢
I’m so, so terribly sorry to hear about Daisy 😢😢💔 My thoughts & prayers are with all at this sad time…🙏✋
Thanks… We’re making Daisy as comfortable as possible and making the most of the time we have with her.
Daisy will let you know when it’s time for her to go. I’m sorry for you all to have to see her go thru it though.
As for log splitters, we got ours about 15-20 yrs ago and it has been such a blessing to us. I highly recommend you getting one, no matter which brand.
Thanks… we know Daisy will tell when it is time. We been through this a few times. It still hurts like hell. I’m thinking you are probably correct about the log splitter too….😃